A new baby brings a lot of excitement and a whole new level of responsibility into parents’ lives. That’s why family and friends throw a baby shower. They do it to put the parents at ease by taking some of the financial responsibility off of them.

Things Every New Parents Need When Welcoming Home Their Baby.

When selecting gifts for a new baby, keep the following things in mind:


1. What do the parents need and already have on hand?

You don’t want to buy them something they already have an abundance of. You also don’t want to miss out on buying them something they really need. Ask what they’re lacking and also what they have enough of. Some items such as diapers and wipes are often bought in bulk to ensure that the parents won’t run out of them. They are the gifts that many people buy because the items are so useful.

 2. Are they registered anywhere?

This is a really easy way to know what has and hasn’t been purchased. The easiest way to learn about registries is to ask. You can also do a web search for the parents’ names and registries and it should give you a clue as to what they’re asking for and from where.

3. Do they have a theme picked out for the nursery?

 Having a theme to choose from narrows down your choices, making it more convenient for you to select the perfect gift for the baby. When communicating with the mother and father before the baby shower, take a few extra moments to ask what the theme is for their nursery. They’ll be more than happy to share this information with you so you’re able to pick out the perfect gift easily.

4. Have they revealed the gender of the child?

Is the baby a girl or a boy? Do they have a color palette picked out for the nursery as well as a theme? Can you find gifts in the colors they’ve chosen? These are things to think about when selecting baby shower gifts for parents. Taking time to learn these things is easy when you know where they are registered. If the gifts tend to favor one sex over another, it’s easy to figure out if the child is a girl or a boy.


Knowing these details helps you select a gift that is personal, meaningful, and useful. Rather than buy another box of diapers for the child (which everyone does), why not take the time to get to know what the parents really want and need so your gift stands out? It’s a great way to make the new mom and dad feel more confident in their parenting skills by providing them with the right tools to work with.

Give the new parents that you know a great start with their baby. Choose gifts that you know they’d love and enjoy at their baby shower. The thought that you put into selecting  the presents you intend to give is appreciated by mothers and fathers alike. When it comes to infants, no gift is too small because new babies need so much.